Once again this year, the dates of the University Entrance Exams (PAU) have arrived. The Selectividad 2024 in Catalonia are very important tests as students will have to put into practice everything they have already learned during the two years of baccalaureate and thus achieve the grade to access the university degree and the desired university.

Test dates

The selectividad consists of two exams: the ordinary exam and the extraordinary exam. The ordinary call is the first phase of the selectividad and is aimed at all students who have passed the subjects before this first phase. The extraordinary call, on the other hand, is the second phase of the Selectividad and is aimed at those students who have had to sit for remedial assessments. The ordinary exam session for this year 2024 is scheduled for 4, 5 and 6 June, while the extraordinary exam session will be held on 3, 4 and 5 September. Prior to this, the board of examiners and the place of the exam for each student will be made public from the 31st of May.

Exámenes de selectividad Barcelona 2022

Selectividad exams Barcelona 2024: what subjects do they cover each day?

Below you will find the calendar and the different timetables for the exams in the ordinary June exams:

Day 1: Tuesday 4 June 2024

8:30 – 9:00 amCheking student data
9:00 – 10:30 amSpanish language and literature
10:30 – 12:00 amBreak time
12:00 – 13:30 pmForeign language
13:30 – 15:00 pmBreak time
15:00 – 16:30 pmPhysics
Art Fundamentals
Geology and Environmental Sciences
Dramatic Literature

Day 2: Wednesday 5 June 2024

8:30 – 9:00 amChecking student data
9:00 – 10:30 amHistory
History of philosophy
10:30 – 12:00 amBreak time
12:00 – 13:30 pmMusic analysis
General sciences
Latin language and culture
13:30 – 15:00 pmBreak time
15:00 – 16:30 pmTechnical drawing
History of art
History of music and dance
Spanish literature

Day 3: Thursday 6 June 2024

8:30 – 9:00 amChecking student data
9:00 – 10:30 amCatalan language and literature
10:30 – 12:00 amBreak time
12:00 – 13:30 pmPerforming arts
Artistic drawing
Greek language and cultures
Mathematics applied to social sciences
13:30 – 15:00 pmBreak time
15:00 – 16:30 pmBiology
Business operation and design of business models
Catalan Literature
Technology and engineering

Dates of the special tribunal tests and incidences

On the dates of 11, 12 and 13 June, the special selection board and the incidence board will be convened.

Special Court

The special board is aimed at those with educational needs with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% accredited by the corresponding department. Those who sit the exams in this examining board will have an extra 30 minutes per test. To sit the exams in this examining board, you must present the following documentation at the Access and Student Services Office or at their respective offices:

  • Application in which you claim to be examined in this court.

  • Resolution specifying the degree of disability (equal to or greater than 33%).

  • Application indicating if you need any special tools or installation.

Court of Incidents

The incidentals board is the one that carries out the corresponding management if on the day of the exam, the student cannot take the exam for a justified reason. In this case, on the Monday following the exam, you will have to provide the following documentation at the University Admissions Office:

  • Application where you ask to sit the exam in this court.

  • Proof of the incident.

Exámenes de selectividad Barcelona 2022

The incidences that are accepted in this court are as follows:

  • Illness, accident or indisposition during the tests. In this case, the original or copy of the hospital admission or a medical report issued by the primary care centre or by a public hospital emergency department must be provided. The document must state the reasons why you were unable to take the exam.

  • Death or emergency hospital admission of a first or second degree relative: the original or copy of the hospital admission or death certificate of the relative must be provided.

  • Time delay due to a traffic accident: the original or a copy of a police certificate must be provided.

  • Timetable delay due to incidents in public transport services: the original or copy of the certificate of the person in charge of the corresponding service (station manager, line manager or equivalent) must be provided.

  • Any other justifiable cause will be considered.

Students with special educational needs

In the event that the student has specific educational support needs-NESE (dyslexia, learning disorder), he/she can request to take the test with specific adaptations and will have an extra 30 minutes for each exam and correction criteria adapted for language subjects will be applied.

For this procedure, an application must be submitted to the University Admissions Office or at its offices in the terms established for enrolment, together with the documentation accrediting the student’s condition and a document stating what adaptations are required. The University Admissions Office will communicate with the applicant by e-mail.

Exámenes de selectividad Barcelona 2022

Selectividad 2024 results

The resolution of the Selectividad 2024 exams will be made public on 19 June, in the case of the ordinary exams. At this time, students who wish to do so may request a review of the exams until 21 June.

The results of the review will be available on 2 July and those students who have requested the review will be able to see the exam from 2 to 5 July.

In the case of the extraordinary call, the results of the exams will be published on 17 September and students will be able to request a review of the exam until 19 September. The results of the review will be published on 27 September and students who have requested the review and wish to see the exam may do so from 27 to 30 September.

Ready to start your university adventure?

Once you know the results, we encourage you to take the step and live the university experience away from home, independently and in community, in our university residences in Barcelona, Sant Cugat, Girona and Manresa, with more than 10 years of experience accompanying students from all over the world.