The first day at university, like anywhere else, is always a bit chaotic. Whether it’s at school, college, work or the first day we start an extracurricular programme, we know what it’s like. As we know what it’s like, at Unihabit we want to help you. Keep reading our blog and discover the following tips to apply on your first day at university!

Get to know the space before the first day of university

Having a small idea, however subtle it may be, of what the university is like on the inside, the different classrooms and spaces it has, will help you not to get so lost on your first day at university. You don’t need to know every corridor or corner, but you do need to have an idea of where the essential points are.

Open days are a great time to take a guided tour of the university and get to know the most important facilities such as the canteen, library, study areas, the different classrooms, etc. Attending the open days will also allow you to find out about all the services offered by the university, among others. On the other hand, if you consult the campus map, available on the university’s main website, you will be able to identify the different locations. Find out if your university offers a mobile application with an interactive map or virtual guides!

Be on time on the first day of university

It seems obvious, but anticipating and arriving on time on the first day of university is very important. This way you will be able to research and find the classroom you need to attend calmly. It is very likely that each subject will take place in a different classroom, so it is advisable to go a little earlier so that you have time to find the specific classroom on the first day of university.

You can also ask questions at reception or at the information point, so don’t be afraid or embarrassed! Once you start classes and you’ve been there for a few days, you’ll get used to the timetable, classes and teachers, and you’ll also relativise everything and realise how easy it really is to start.

Introduce yourself and meet people

At university it is very easy to meet people from the same background as you. Your classmates will become your daily routine and they are people with whom you have to share many hours a day for several years.

One thing to be clear about is that people are in the same situation as you. The situation is just as new for them, and you are all starting from scratch. This puts you on the same level and makes it easier to empathise with each other and understand that you are going through the same situation of newness and discovering new people.

Let yourself go and you will meet people who will accompany you during your time at university!

primer dia de universidad consejos

Plan your transport route to university

If you will be using public transport to get to university, you should plan your route in advance and check bus, train, metro, etc. timetables before your first day at university. If, on the other hand, you will be using your own car, practice your route a few days in advance and identify possible parking options (if the university does not have its own car park). Knowing your route or path to the university campus will allow you to go more relaxed on the first day, without nerves or stress.

Discover the different extracurricular activities

consejos primer dia de universidad

Most universities offer their students extracurricular activities such as participating in clubs, different sports or interest groups. In this way students can meet new people, develop new skills and enjoy different activities with their peers.

Organise your material before the first day of university

Having all the material ready before the first day of university will help you to be better organised and keep your notes and assignments in order from the first day, which will be very beneficial for the rest of the course.

Frequently asked questions: First day at university

Here, at Unihabit, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the first day of university.

What should I bring on my first day at university?

Although it may be obvious, basic equipment such as pens, diary, water bottle, snack, or other specific material may be essential for the first day.

What do you do on the first day of university?

In most universities, the first day consists of a presentation. Each lecturer presents the subject, its objectives, the materials needed, tutoring schedules, contact, evaluation and exam dates, among others.

How can I meet new people at university?

First of all, introduce yourself to your classmates, participate in extracurricular activities and attend events organised by the university.

What resources are available if I need academic or personal support?

Universities have tutoring, academic counselling and psychological support services. Find out what resources your university offers and how you can access them.

primer dia de universidad recomendaciones