If you are in your second year of high school, you are probably wondering how to calculate the selectivity note to access the degree and university you are excited to study at. This score will determine your chances of getting into your chosen program, so it is essential to understand how to calculate it and what factors influence it. However, before diving into how to calculate the entrance exam score, it is important to understand what the exam is, what it is for, and why it is so important.

What is the Selectivitat?

Upon completing their high school studies, all students must take the Baccalaureate Assessment Tests for University Admission (EBAU), also known as Selectivity. The score obtained in these exams is combined with the high school grade point average and serves to objectively assess students’ academic performance, thus establishing a selection criterion for different public universities. It is important for students to know how to calculate their selectivity score in order to determine whether they have been admitted to their desired degree program or university.

What is the purpose of the Selectivitat score?

The final Selectividad mark is made up of the average mark of the baccalaureate, which represents 60% of the final mark, the average of the exams of the general phase of Selectividad, which represents 40%, and the marks of the subjects of the specific phase, which are optional and allow the final mark to be improved. The Selectividad mark is what finally indicates whether a student passes the cut-off mark for access to a university degree or university. It is important to bear in mind that each university and course can vary the cut-off mark, which is the lowest mark obtained in the previous year, depending on the number of places available.

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Why is it important to calculate the university entrance exam score?

Knowing how to calculate the Selectivity score is important, as it will allow you to anticipate the different possibilities for accessing a specific degree or university. Knowing the required score will also help you optimize your preparation and focus on improving the subjects that can raise your Selectivity exam grades. If you do not achieve the cutoff score in the first session, you can consider strategies to improve your result, such as taking the exam again in a new session.

How to know if you have passed the university admission grade?

Each university publishes, annually, the cut-off grades for the different university degrees they offer. To access it and check the grade, you must know how to calculate the Selectivity score and then check the university’s list to see if your score is equal to or higher than the required grade to enter the degree. If your score is lower, you can consider applying to other universities with lower cut-off grades or take the specific phase of Selectivity in future calls to improve your score.

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How to calculate the Selectivity score?

First, each student will know their average high school grade, which must be calculated with the grades from the general phase and the specific phase of the Selectivity exam. To know the grade from the general phase, you need to add up the different grades obtained and divide them by the total number of subjects evaluated.

*It is important to know that, to pass the general phase of the Selectivity exam, each student must obtain at least a 4 in each exam.

Second, to calculate the average grade for the specific phase, the grade of each subject’s exam must be multiplied by 0.1 or 0.2 depending on the university and degree. This is then added to the overall Selectivity and high school grade. The specific phase of the Selectivity is voluntary, and students can take a minimum of 2 subjects and a maximum of 4. These subjects must be passed with at least a 5 to be included in the final Selectivity grade.

*Students must know that only the two best grades obtained in the voluntary phase are considered, even if they have taken more exams.

To know how to calculate the Selectivity grade, students must follow this formula:

Selectivity grade = (Average high school grade x 0.6) + (Average grade of the General Phase of Selectivity x 0.4) + (1st highest average grade of the Specific Phase x 0.1/0.2) + (2nd highest average grade of the Specific Phase x 0.1/0.2).

The Selectivity grade must have a maximum of 14 points, as the specific phase allows students to earn up to 4 extra points.

Once students know how to calculate their Selectivity grade, they must check if they match or exceed the cut-off scores for the university degrees they want to access.

How are the cut-off marks for a university degree determined?

The cut-off grades for accessing university degrees and universities are set as a filter that organizes the entry to public universities, depending on the number of available places or the number of students applying for them. Therefore, each university establishes its own admission threshold based on demand and the number of applications for each degree. There are different key points you need to know about the cut-off grades:

Cut-off marks for public universities

In private universities, there is no cut-off score; it is only established at public universities. Additionally, there are universities or specific degrees, such as Fine Arts or Physical Activity Sciences, that may set additional admission criteria like specific exams.

Cut-off marks of 5

Many university degrees and universities have a cutoff grade of 5, as the degree or university does not receive enough applications to fill all the spots.

The cut-off marks vary each year

Although it is not common, the cutoff scores can vary from year to year, either rising or dropping sharply. This happens especially in university degrees that start receiving a lot of applications.

The cut-off mark has nothing to do with the difficulty of the degree

The access score to a university degree depends solely on the number of available places and the students who apply for it, not on the difficulty of the degree.

They are only indicative

The cut-off scores from the previous year are only for reference, as they can vary from one year to another. Once you complete your university pre-registration, add the different degrees that interest you in order of priority, regardless of the access score.

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Knowing how to calculate the university entrance exam score is very important for planning your academic future. Understanding the entire process and the factors that influence the final score will allow you to make informed decisions during exam preparation and the admission process. However, choosing a university does not only depend on the entrance exam score, but also on other factors like accommodation.

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