The university entrance exam (Selectividad) is just around the corner, and that’s why at Unihabit, we bring you some tips on how to tackle the 2025 Selectivity exam. You’re probably starting to feel the pressure from your teachers and the tension among your classmates, but don’t worry! With our advice, you’ll be able to approach Selectividad in the best possible way.

When Are the 2025 Selectividad Exams?

Whether you’re taking the regular or the extraordinary Selectividad session, you’re surely immersed in notes and books, preparing to achieve the best possible score. If you’re taking the regular session, the 2025 Selectividad exam dates are June 11, 12, and 13. Don’t stress! You’re surely doing great, and you still have a few weeks left to properly prepare for each exam. On the other hand, if you’re taking the extraordinary session on September 3, 4, and 5, you still have several months ahead to get ready. However, don’t get distracted or leave everything until the last minute!

What’s New in the 2025 Selectividad Exams?

The 2025 Selectividad exams introduce some changes that students should keep in mind when preparing for this new format and answering correctly.

examen de selectividad 2025 universidad

Competency-Based Design

The 2025 Selectividad exams maintain all the competency-based elements from previous years. Students must demonstrate their ability to manage information through analysis, interpretation, and description of different types of sources, as well as critical reasoning and problem-solving skills.


Each subject will have only one exam model, reducing the level of optionality so that all exercises in the 2025 Selectividad exam are mandatory. However, some exercises may still include internal options.

Question Types

The new 2025 Selectividad exam models will be structured around the of open-ended questions (written responses), semi-constructed responses (short answers, filling in or completing sentences, matching concepts, etc.) and closed responses (multiple-choice questions), which cannot exceed 30% of the exam.

Grading Criteria

The evaluation will consider coherence, cohesion, grammatical, lexical, and spelling accuracy, as well as the presentation, which may result in a penalty of up to 10% of the total exam grade. The grading criteria for each subject take the following into account:

  • Language exams: A 0.1-point penalty per spelling mistake will be applied, with a maximum reduction of 20% of the total score. Exams may lose up to 2 points for serious grammatical errors, poor writing, or comprehension issues. Foreign language exams responses with poor quality and comprehension difficulties may be penalized by up to 10% of the total score.

How to Tackle Each Exam in the 2025 University Entrance Exams?

As we have already mentioned, the university entrance exams are just around the corner, and these last few weeks are crucial for finalizing your preparation in the best possible way, asking questions, making outlines, summaries, etc. The students in our residences have already been through this, and who better than them to offer you some great advice before taking on the exams. That’s why, at Unihabit, we’ve gathered some of their best tips to help you face your exams with confidence:

  • Focus on the subjects you do best, but don’t forget the others.
  • Keep in mind the subjects that have a higher score, they will help you to reach the cut-off mark you need for your desired degree or university.
  • Prepare a timetable so that you know how to organise yourself and prepare for all the subjects.
  • Study in a quiet environment without distractions.
  • Be clear about the syllabus. If you have any doubts, ask your teachers or classmates for help.
  • Take advantage of the time of the day when you feel most productive and rest the rest of the day, as not everyone feels equally productive in the morning or in the afternoon.
  • Follow the study technique that works best for you, whether it’s highlighting, making summaries, creating diagrams, doing exercises, or practicing with past exams.
examen de selectividad 2025 escritorio
examen de selectividad 2025 estudiar
  • Allow yourself to rest, you need to have enough energy for the exams.
  • Trust in yourself. You have already worked on everything you need to know during your high school years.
  • Read the questions carefully, take a deep breath and answer the questions in an organised and structured way.
  • If you get stuck on a question, don’t worry! Keep answering the other questions and leave this one for the end.
  • Don’t rush to finish the exam, but don’t get distracted either. Organise your time to answer all the questions in the best possible way.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t make the cut-off mark, you have plenty of options to get where you want to be.

2025 University Entrance Exams: Frequently Asked Questions

After the advice on how to take the Selectividad 2025 exams in Catalonia, here at Unihabit we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

When will the 2025 Selectividad exam results be released?

The results of the June session exams will be released on June 25, 2025. The results of the extraordinary session will be available on September 16.

How can I check my exam results?

The marks of the Selectividad exams can be viewed on the University Admission portal.

Can I request a review of my 2025 Selectividad exam score?

Yes. In the ordinary session, you can request a review of your exams on June 26, 27, and 30. In the extraordinary session, you can request a review on September 17, 18, and 19.

The results of the review will be published on July 8 for the ordinary session and on September 30 for the extraordinary session.

What subjects are mandatory in the 2025 Selectividad exams?

The mandatory subjects in the 2025 Selectividad exams in Catalonia are part of the general phase: Catalan Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Literature, Foreign Language, History of Spain or History of Philosophy and one additional subject based on the student’s high school specialization.

How many elective subjects can I choose to improve my score?

If a student decides to take the specific phase of Selectividad, they must choose a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 elective subjects to achieve the required score for the degree or university they wish to enter.

examen de selectividad 2025 estudiante

What score do I need to pass a 2025 Selectividad exam?

In the general phase, a minimum score of 4 is required, considering that the final average, including the high school transcript, must be at least 5. In the specific phase, each exam must be passed with a minimum score of 5, as they are evaluated independently.

Do Selectividad scores expire?

The score obtained in the general phase is valid indefinitely. The score from the specific phase is valid for three years, meaning the same academic year plus the following two academic years.

When are the extraordinary Selectividad exams?

The extraordinary session of the 2025 Selectividad exams will take place on September 3, 4, and 5, 2025.

From Unihabit we wish you all the best of luck with the Selectividad 2025 exams!

If you want more information about our Unihabit residence halls, do not hesitate to contact our team, we will solve all your doubts!