Are you looking forward to starting your time at university? The answer is probably yes. But first you will have to take the Selectividad exam and decide which degree and university to start at. Are you nervous? Don’t worry! Unihabit explains the Selectividad 2025 dates and everything you need to know for the Selectividad exam.
How do I choose my subjects in the Selectividad exams?
It is normal that at the point where you are now you have a lot of doubts about the Selectividad, such as: Which electives to choose? How much marks does each one get? When and where to pre-register and register? etc. Below, we answer all your doubts about the Selectividad 2025!
How is Selectividad 2025 structured?
The selectividad consists of two phases: the compulsory part and the voluntary part.
- Compulsory part: consists of 4 exams with the basic subjects of the baccalaureate: Spanish Language and Literature II, History of Spain or Philosophy, Foreign Language II (English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese), and finally the subject corresponding to the modality of the baccalaureate you are studying.
*In the case of autonomous communities with more than one official language, students will also take the Co-official Language and Literature II exam (5 subjects in total). - The second phase is completely voluntary. In this phase, the student must choose a minimum of 2 subjects and a maximum of 3, different from those examined in the first phase. Depending on each subject and each university, the marks assigned for each subject will vary according to the cut-off marks for university degrees. Once the student has registered, he/she can choose to take only one subject in this phase. At Unihabit, we recommend that you take the voluntary phase, especially if the university degree you want to study is in high demand, or if the cut-off mark for university entrance is high.
What’s new in the Selectividad 2025 exams?
All Selectividad exams are designed to be read and answered in a maximum of 90 minutes, with a half-hour break between exams.
The different Autonomous Communities have agreed on some characteristics such as:
- In this new edition of Selectividad there will only be one model of exam instead of two from which to choose. However, the exam will allow a certain degree of optionality in the different sections of each exercise.
- The questions in the exams will be between 20 and 25% competency-based and must therefore be answered compulsorily.
- In each subject, questions covering between 75 and 80% of the syllabus must be answered correctly in order to obtain the maximum mark.
On the other hand, the new PAU exams will assess students’ skills rather than their ability to memorise, requiring greater creativity, critical thinking, reflection and maturity in their answers.
It is also important to know what common marking criteria will be applied in the Selectividad exams as a new feature this year:
- The appropriateness of each answer will be assessed according to what is requested in each question.
- The coherence, cohesion, grammatical, lexical and spelling correctness of the answers and their presentation will account for at least 10% of the mark.
Selectividad Dates 2025: Pre-registration and enrolment
If you are in the second year of baccalaureate and you want to take the Selectividad 2024 exams to start a university degree the following year, one of the most important things you should know is the pre-registration and enrolment period. But first, you should know that there are two types of exam dates: the ordinary exam date and the extraordinary exam date.
The ordinary call:
- Pre-registration for the exam for 2nd Baccalaureate students in Catalonia: 14 to 26 February 2025.
- Enrolment for students in the 2nd year of baccalaureate: 15 to 27 May 2025.
- Enrolment for students with a baccalaureate degree or equivalent completed: 5 to 13 May 2025.
- Enrolment for students in the final year of Higher Level Training Cycles who have passed all the theoretical modules that make up the cycle or students with the Higher Level Training Cycle qualification or equivalent completed: 15 to 27 May 2025.
- Free enrolment for the rest of students who are not currently studying 2nd year of baccalaureate in Catalonia, nor have a Higher Level Training Cycle: 2 to 9 May 2025.
The extraordinary call:
- Registration for the test (all students): 22nd to 24th July 2025
Where and how to register for the Selectividad 2025?
To pre-register and register for the Selectividad 2025, you must access the university access portal within the deadlines established for each call, as mentioned above. To access the portal you must first register to create a username and password.
What documentation is required to register for the Selectividad?
To register for the university entrance exam, the student’s documentation will already appear in the student profile on the university access portal.
If you are a student who has completed the baccalaureate outside Catalonia and you want to register for the university entrance exam, you must present the following documentation:
- The official document with your university entrance qualifications, if you have passed the baccalaureate assessment test for university entrance.
- The academic certificate of the baccalaureate with the final grade if you have not passed the baccalaureate assessment test for university entrance.
If you are a student from a foreign education system and you meet the requirements to obtain the homologation of your studies in the Spanish baccalaureate:
- Credential of homologation of the Spanish baccalaureate diploma.
- Flyer for conditional enrolment, which accredits the presentation of the documentation for the application for the homologation of foreign non-university degrees or studies.
Selectividad Dates 2025: when do the exams take place in Catalonia?
In addition to registration and enrolment, it is important that you take into account the dates of Selectividad 2025, which days the tests are held and the different timetables. Below you will find the dates of Selectividad 2025 for each exam session!
Ordinary convocation:
- Test days: 11, 12 and 13 June 2025
Extraordinary convocation:
- Days of the test: 3, 4 and 5 September 2025
How do I know if the registration for the Selectividad has been done correctly?
- Enrolment with ordinary fee: if you have paid the fees by the corresponding deadline (you will not be able to take the selectivity test if you have not made the correct payment).
- Enrolment with a 50% reduction of the fee: the student must prove that he/she belongs to one of the groups with a reduction and make the corresponding payment. (If the payment has not been made correctly, it will not be possible to take the selectivity test).
- Enrolment with fee exemption: the student must accredit the fee exempt group to which he/she belongs within the corresponding enrolment period, otherwise the selectivity test cannot be taken.